Product Design Portfolio, Iceberg

Principal Design

Iceberg of Success

Cocktail Ice Inspired by Nature

Principal Design

Our prototype maker adds some global climate crisis to your single-malt scotch


We’re not finger pointing here, everyone is involved in the progress of humanity. Weather or not, it certainly appears that the planet is heating up. This fun side project by our prototype maker is clever and contradictory.

Maybe this crisis proves to be an opportunity for humanity, for innovation and for industry? It is certainly an opportunity for design and product development. Imagine all the new products that are becoming necessary for comfort and survival in the near future? Our prototype maker has a lot of ideas about how to make these a reality.


Design Management

Artistic Intent

Inspired by the motivational posters of the 1980’s era of ‘Greed is Good’.

design culture

Provocative Storytelling

American exceptionalism and the free market inspires growth and innovation.

how to launch a product
Prototype Maker Making

Maybe the engine of capital that is killing the environment can save it?


Human Factors Design
Ecological Designs
Leadership in design
Prototype making
Voice of the Customer

While the prototype maker process can be messy and labor intensive, the prototype maker has the skills, material knowledge, and work ethic to get the job done. Principal Design’s 5 step process is a framework that guides the design team and encourages communication and produces quality.

design process

Principal Design approaches every prototype project methodically. The success of our product design process often hinges on our prototype maker and their ability to quickly 3D print fast prototypes to test and experience in physical space. Organized into the five stages most proven to leverage our design efforts, Principal Design’s purpose-driven activities are intended to reduce risk while balancing exploration with execution. Each stage of the process is an opportunity to reflect on and refine the design and specifications for impact. Our creative strategy is divergent to leverage resources and discovery, and convergent to select for the best opportunities, then build prototypes, and repeat.