Product Design Portfolio, Bath Hardware

Principal Design

Bath Hardware

Architectural Fashion Accessories

Principal Design

Home Fashion and Architectural Hardware Design


High-end luxury bath hardware design can be a challenging category. Success or failure depends upon the overall quality of the product’s materials, manufacturing, assembly design strategy, and packaging presentation. Concentrating on the color, materials, finish, and overall geometric aesthetic is crucial.

However, the aesthetic challenge must be adequately balanced by the manufacturing capabilities of suppliers, the retailers business objectives and marketing efforts, the product installation process, and of course the functional and emotional needs of the end user. Home Hardware Design is therefore a specialized and competitive product category.


Design Management
Brainstorming & Ideation

In the scope of a luxury, yet functional hardware design project, we proliferate concepts in an effort to create ‘re-contextualized’ solutions to known and unknown user needs.

design culture
CAD Design & CMF

Working on architectural hardware categories requires a refined sense of scale, balance, accessibility & beauty. Geometric relationships matter greatly at each scale of focus. Home hardware design is not simply a decorative challenge.

how to launch a product
Prototyping & Testing

We continuously 3D print drafts of developing design architectures, assessing them as ‘sketch models’ to rapidly inform the fit, assembly, aesthetic, and scale. Many iterations ultimately are discarded in favor of the single most elegant design solutions.


Luxury Bath Accessories
Design Frameworks
Innovative bath Hardware design
Bath storage accessory design
Design accessories

While the product development process can be customized to apply effectively to the needs of the customer and adapt to changing business objectives, Principal Design continuously seeks refinement and improvement through the implementation of a proven design process and creative methodologies. Even in seemingly standardized product categories such as Home or Decorative Hardware Design, we strive for the highest quality and most valuable innovations.

design process


Principal Design approaches every project with our five stages of development. Our proprietary design process is flexible to scale and meet the needs of different product categories and large or small projects. Principal Design’s purpose-driven stages and gates are there to reduce risk while allowing for maximum creativity and value added innovation. Our process leverages resources, and is both exploratory and convergent to discover, define, or select the greatest opportunities for successful products. Each stage of the process is an opportunity to reflect on and refine the design and specifications for the greatest impact and alignment with stakeholders and project’s core values.