& Water Fixtures
Incorporating robust materials and sturdy engineering with features like technology enhancements that provide additional value to the user is critical for marketplace performance. As technologies like vapor deposition become more common and inexpensive, retailers and manufacturers apply constant pressure on kitchen and bath industry designers to discover competitive advantages and differentiate through style, functionality, and performance.
CAD modelling, 2D dimensional prints and 3D printed prototypes are proliferate throughout the faucet design process. Building it early and often can be expensive and challenging as the aesthetic can range from traditional to modern and anywhere in between.
Qualitative research and testing of the design concepts imagined by kitchen and bath industry designers may be burdensome, but it provides direction and insight which can help to confirm the potential market performance of a design feature or aesthetic.
When a faucet design is discovered to be a good fit for manufacture and distribution, it is often necessary to develop coordinating accessories. Treated as a new project, kitchen and bath industry designers will often relax somewhat, knowing that the design language is set and can be translated into the family of bath accessories.
Principal Design's 5 step process can be customized to apply effectively to the needs of the customer and adapt to changing business objectives. From injection molded products to metal fabricated manufacturing, our design process is a framework that manages uncertainty and produces functional and beautifully successful product design in any industry. Our team features kitchen and bath industry designers with extensive experience and a taste for luxury and innovation.
Principal Design approaches every project methodically, and with an eye for proportion, beauty, and detail. The success of our product design process for product development depends on a purposeful and well-informed team of kitchen and bath industry designers following a well traveled marketing path while incorporating a valuable user-centered design approach. Our design process features five stages and four gates, that are most proven to reduce risk while balancing exploration with execution, as our creative strategy is divergent to leverage resources and discovery, and convergent to refine selections. Each stage of the process is an opportunity to test and refine the design and specifications before making large investments necessary to scale for manufacturing.